Excellent News
We are delighted to have recieved another Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence 2018. Trip Advisor produces mixed feelings in customers and businesses alike, but we have found that many of our visitors have researched us this way, and many others take the time to sit down and write a review. We appreciate this so much - we know what it's like - full of good intentions when you are on holiday, but life gets in the way, so our heartfelt thanks to those who did remember and made time! Also, seasonal businesses like ours can suffer as we quite often have a long gap in the winter between reviews, so we think it's great news to have recieved another certificate.
We are also working on a very different, pretty large project at the moment as well - details to be announced later, probably in the Autumn, so that and our paddling is keeping us pretty busy! As always, if you have any suggestions/constructive criticism please speak to one of us, or drop us an email......